Inanity. Abbreviated.

2012-01-31T17:38: Bright, Comforting Glow

... no more in my living room, at least for a few months. Just placed the cancellation request for cable TV. Want to see if I can get any kind of signal with an antenna in the bedroom window, upstairs, run through the previous owners wiring downstairs. Either way, no TV for me outside football season. Feels odd to cancel just as I've been watching a lot recently, but that's because I've been specifically catching up on some movies I have on my DVR before I turn it in.

I need the savings to work on @dragonjaze's plan — no, ultimatum that I make a plan — to move in one year instead of 4-5. Anyone want to pay, oh, roughly $55,000 over market for a suburban house?

2012-01-25T07:57: Cookies

I'll be glad when the cookies are gone from the kitchen counter so I can stop cheating with them. Also the almonds in the pantry and the G2 in the fridge. Both of those started while I was sick. Not much of an excuse for the cookies except I'm tired of passing out from hypoglycemia and exhaustion every afternoon.

Still down to 194.6 this morning.

2012-01-21T14:31: Murder

Finished shoveling the driveway this afternoon, and there was a murder of crows flying around the neighborhood. I estimated 2-3 dozen while they were all in the air at one point, making a racket.

This is not noteworthy, but it is an opportunity for me to use the word murder without the FBI getting involved.

2012-01-18T07:11: Irregular

The current number is 196.6, but I'm not sure what it means. I was sick last week, and actually lost 11 pounds over 24 hours Thursday-Friday. While I returned to solid food Saturday I'm still not completely back to normal and have been regaining that lost weight. I don't know exactly where I stand at the moment.

I have been off diet since then while trying to eat enough fiber to reset myself.

2012-01-12T06:08: Pre-snow

Preparing to finally work my shovelling muscles ...

  • Neck: 17"
  • Chest: 40"
  • Bicep: 13½"
  • Stomach: 37½"
  • Waist: 36"
  • Hips: 39"
  • Thigh: 18-23"
  • Weight: 197.6#

2012-01-04T07:21: Hungry

And apparently acting on it, at 201.2. We'll see how the next week goes.

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