Inanity. Abbreviated.

2011-07-20T09:20: Sweat It Out

232.2 this morning, probably slightly aided by ongoing dehydration. Although really, it's been so hot that we've had the air on all week, and it's actually a little cooler inside than it was before we were forced to do that. I have to mow the lawn today, possibly the hottest day of the year, due to having been on-call the last week. I should get a reading tomorrow morning to see what that does to me. I may lose half a pound in peeling skin after getting burned up today. Wait ... OK, I did remember to buy sunscreen some time recently. That will help.

The lawn mowing is required today due to the return of cable television to the house tomorrow morning. The back lawn is high enough to lose a cable guy in right now. The front has gone pleasantly dormant and doesn't need to be touched until next week when the forecast drops 15-20 degrees.

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