Inanity. Abbreviated.

2011-06-29T21:07: Half an Inch

I planned to do measurements again in four weeks, so here they are:

  • Chest: 44½"
  • Bicep: 14"
  • Stomach: 45¾"
  • Waist: 40½"
  • Hips: 43¾"
  • Thigh: 19" - 26½"
  • Neck: 18¼"

Most of those are within ½" of last time, except for a 1½" drop in hips and thighs. Also, for some reason we're measuring the effect of my diet on @dragonjaze's stomach, which was up ¼". I don't remember whether we did this before or after dinner last time, and it was immediately after dinner tonight, so her ¼" is as insignificant as my ½"s.

I wish this went fast enough that I could skip getting 40" pants for my birthday and go straight to 38", but I suspect it won't.

The scale chimed in with the number 243.0 this morning, so that's another pound. That's just barely enough to keep me going. I'm getting frustrated with the food choices, but if I can keep up a pound a week I'll manage for a while longer. Also the blood sugar numbers have been better this past week, with a run of eleven straight readings (two/day before meals) under 100.